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Dog Skin Problems: Be Aware of Them

March 5, 2012

Our pets are very important to us, so it’s good

to know if anything is wrong with them, and one of the common issues we can have with a dog of ours are <a

href=””>dog skin problems. These conditions range from mild irritation to serious,

so it’s definitely helpful to have some basic information about them.

They come from various

different causes, can be either contagious or non-contagious, and may be signs of other things going wrong.

Some issues are things like environmental or physical skin diseases, and can include things like hot spots or

ulcers caused by compulsive licking. Infectious diseases include things like parasites, bacteria, fungi, and

viruses, just to name a few.


you aren’t aware, dogs have allergies just like humans, and it is one of the primary reasons that skin problems

can pop up, as they tend to scratch at effected areas and that only makes the situation worse. There are also

allergies causes by things like the wrong type of food or pollution in the air.

Hot spots are areas on a dog that have become inflamed and infected from skin irritation, and then the dog has

made it worse by licking and biting. The rashy area can spread quickly as secondary infections cause the top

layer of skin to break down, and soon after pus will become trapped in the surrounding hair, furthering the


Fleas and ticks are often causes of skin problems as well, and once again, when dogs start biting and

scratching, infection and red spots are soon to follow. Dogs can get these little critters both from home

environments and while walking around, especially in wooded or forest areas, so be aware that these are some

types of places that your dog can come in contact with them.

If you see that your dog is shedding or has particularly bad hair loss

in any area, that may be an indication of an underlying skin problem. If your dog is scratching, there may be

something under the surface that is bother him more than typical, so you should make sure that you take a close

look at it as soon as you can.

Treatments are all over the

place, from creams and lotions, to antibiotics, to shampoos, powders, and medicine that you can put in the

dog’s food. Make sure that you are treating the correct thing, however, and that your diagnosis is correct.

So if you think that your dog may be suffering from any sort of skin problem, do a little quick research on

the internet and see what could be the cause, then take all of the necessary steps to ensure that your favorite

best friend stays safe and healthy.

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