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Routine Yeast Infections in Dogs

March 22, 2012

Yeast infection in dogs are just one of many things that a dog owner has to look for when it comes to the care for their pets. They have to ensure their dogs are eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise and other medical issues that may come to light. Yeast infections are just a regular part on a long list.

Unfortunately, yeast infections in dogs are a fairly common issue. Yeast goes on many different surfaces and in a dog as well. It is virtually impossible to avoid a dog being exposed to this small and seemingly harmless organism.

Yeast infections in dogs occur when there is an imbalance in the dog’s immune system. Because yeast is so common, a normal and healthy immune system is normally able to fight off the bacteria. When the immune system is compromised, it can grow within a dog’s body and set up an infection that is hard to control.

An imbalanced diet is said to be the cause of many yeast infections in dogs. Dogs shouldn’t routinely be subjected to foods that are made with grain and other foods that have been subjected to harsh chemicals and poisons. Their bodies can’t process these materials and their body’s don’t get the nourishment they need. When their immune system isn’t getting what it needs to stay strong, an infection will shortly set up.

Malasezza pachydermatis is a type of yeast that is commonly found on a dog’s skin and ears. It is normally a harmless yeast but if their immune system is compromised, it can cause a yeast infection in dogs. These yeast infections are usually marked by extreme itching, skin lesions and sometimes a musty odor. This type of yeast infection is normally found on the underside of their neck, under belly or between a dog’s toes.

One of the worst yeasts that have been found in a dog is the candida albicans yeast. This is the yeast that can routinely be found in the dog’s digestive tract. A healthy immune system can normally keep this yeast in manageable numbers but a weak immune system can’t stand up to their growing numbers. When the yeast reaches a certain amount, there is no stopping it. These yeast infections in dogs are responsible for a lot of toxins being produced in the body, bladder infections, allergies and skin disorders.

Pet owners are always looking for yeast infections in dogs. This is something that causes extreme discomfort in dogs and no pet owner wants to watch their dog suffer. When dog first shows signs of a yeast infection, pet owners make sure to take their beloved companion to their vet’s office for treatment.

After much research and concern, there is still no known cure for yeast infections in dogs. It is a natural phenomenon and it is almost impossible for dogs to avoid contact with. Many people feel that the best defense against a yeast infection is to feed their dog a diet that boosts their immune system. This will keep that system strong and able to fight the yeast.

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