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How to help your dog’s skin issues

Many of us have dogs and many of our dogs have allergy problems that affect their skin. Dog skin problems are a very common issue. There are a few ways that you can cut back on their skin issues. They may have allergies to their food, things that dogs tend to get into when left alone, and other aspects of their environment.

Various allergies:

Food can be an issue when it comes to allergies in dogs. It could be because you have simply switched their food or they have finally built up a strong intolerance to it. Or they could have been allergic to it all the while.

Dogs also suffer from seasonal allergies just like humans do. Think about what we take our allergy medication for. We suffer from pollen allergies as well as other types that are brought about through warmer weather. These allergies used to stick around during spring and fall a majority of the time, but with climate change they can come about as soon as the flowers and other plants are tricked into growing, too.

Molds and dander are more environmental allergies that dogs can be affected by. Molds grow in dark and wet areas outside and inside of the house. So, your basement if it is unfinished may be a breeding ground for molds; especially if it floods a lot. Many of these are airborne issues.

How to help:

There are a few proven ways to help with dog allergies. If this is food related, then they may need to be put onto a medication that helps add digestive enzymes to their body. If this is not for you, you may consider changing their diet. Many dogs with skin issues tend to be put on chicken and rice or lamb and rice diets. These diets also help with other stomach issues.

Many dog owners go the way of the organic dog food. This is hands down the most nutritional way to go when it comes to food. There are many foods out on the market that claim to be organic, so be careful. Look into what has the animal as the first ingredient. As you go down the list of an ingredient list, it goes through from the most amount of an ingredient to the least amount of an ingredient. If there is more whey or some non-meat ingredient than there is than meat, it is best to look for a different brand. As mentioned before, you can always make the food from scratch. It is pretty simple if you pick a day a week to make the food ahead of time, that way it doesn’t inconvenience you too much. It is healthiest, because it is purely what you decide to put in it.

Soothe them:

The best way to soothe the skin of your dog is to use natural oatmeal shampoo. You can make your own that is also beneficial, because it simply needs plain oatmeal and tepid water. Blend the oats till they are in powder form then mix them into the bath water until it is as mixed as possible.

With these tips, dog skin problems will be a thing of the past.

Dog Hot Spots: Save Your Pet the Anguish

Dog hot spots are not your pet’s erogenous zones, they are festering open sores which sometimes appear as blotches in fur. In layman’s language, dog hot spots are acral lick dermatitis, which feels just about as good as it sounds.

We take opposable digits for granted, but they are quite a marvel. All the evolutionary rage. What if all you had was hairy paws and really sharp teeth? You couldn’t thread a needle. Or use a remote control. Or even open a can of chili or flip a pancake. Fleas start biting you. With fingers, you could scratch your wounds lightly, so as to soothe them but not irritate the skin. Claws make this a tad bit tougher. You try not to use them. But man do those flea bites itch. You scratch them with your clumsy paws. They still itch. You nibble them. They still itch. You nibble them harder.

Soon the skin you are nibbling becomes chafed and irritated. The hair falls away. But man does it itch. More scratching. It dries, grows brittle. Itches more. Now nibbling. Then chewing. Soon it is blister-like, which of course only makes it more irritating, so more chewing. It is soon a festering wound.

Now imagine you are a Sasquatch. As one has never been discovered, imagining what it is like to be one may tax one’s imagination. You are covered in hair is the important one. Head to big toe on your big foot. Your warm, sweaty, furry body is a vacation resort for ticks and fleas and critters galore. On a good week (yes, Sasquatches have calendars) there are always some mites, but once in a while they crusade and invade you. . .

Who hasn’t seen hot spots on dogs? Not those you beer goggle at bars, we’re talking pets. Now that you’ve trotted a mile in your pooch’s padded paws, you hopefully see things from its perspective. The real solution to hot spots is a Cold War that never even allows them to warm. Get in character and be a dog again. Imagine the blissful life you would live if you had an attentive owner who helped provide relief right when you first itched, so you never had to start cannibalizing yourself in the first place?

Unfortunately, the exact cause of hot spots is not known. A list of postulated causalities includes: fleas, mites, lice, ticks, bacteria, fungi, ear infections, allergies, anal sacculitis or topical irritants. Anal sacculitis. Wow. That sounds pleasant. And is. Dogs have anal glands (humans so got jipped) that they use to mark their territory (jealous boyfriends so got jipped) and these can become inflamed, infected, or filled with puss.

Hot spots come in two species, mild superficial topical varieties, and those that are rooted deeper, under the skin, and are more wound-like. Which kind does your dog have? If you are even asking that question, you should be on the way to the vet. It is easy to be a cheap ass and put a visit to the vet off, and no, I’m not being paid to say this by any vet. If your anal sacculitis was seeping puss, would you want some tight wad to make you wait a week for a doctor visit, or obtain relief a.s.a.p.?

Treating Dog Skin Allergies

Experts estimate that one in seven dogs suffer from allergies. Dog skin allergies are a main reason owners take their pets to the veterinarian. Though all breeds can experience allergies, some breeds experience allergies more than others.

This large number of allergic reactions makes sense when one realizes a huge amount of chemicals and other toxins are used to create most modern goods & services. An additive or processing component you are completely unaware of could be causing your beloved pet anguish.

An allergy is an altered body reactivity to an substance. The allergen is the substance causing the reactivity. The body’s reactivity is the allergic reaction.

In humans, the most common allergic response is upper respatory symptoms. For dogs, allergies usually affect the skin.

There are four main categories of canine allergic reactions: fleas and other biting pests, particulates in the air which the dog breathes in, foods and medicines, and allergens which touch the dog’s skin.

Signs of a skin allergy include intense itching, continuous scratching, and sections of exposed skin which have been exposed by excessive scratching. A dog may also nibble at itself incessantly.

The best way to treat an allergy is to stop exposing the dog to the allergen. If your dog is allergic to lamb, feed him dog food with beef. Fleas can be harder to get rid of, but there are chemical treatments that will kill them. The hardest allergies to treat are those caused by allergens that the dog has to be exposed to, such as particulates in the air.

The most frequent allergy dogs experience is fleas. Some dogs are allergic to toxins in flea saliva. Fleas prefer to live on buttock and tail region of the dog, on the base of the legs, or the groin and belly. Allergic reactions focused in these areas are often fleas. Dogs will sometimes chew skin irritated by fleas until it becomes an open sore. Sometimes these sores become infected.

Check for fleas by standing your dog over white paper and brushing its coat aggressively. If small dark and light flecks drop onto the paper, your dog has fleas. These flecks are flea eggs and feces.

A veterinarian can also perform an allergy test on your dog to confirm a flea allergy.

To rid your dog of fleas, the best two methods are a flea bath or a cream or ointment which is rubbed on its fur and skin.

Some dogs also suffer from hives, which are small raised, irritated sections on the skin. Hives are esepecially problematic on hairy animals such as dogs. Hives are often associated with chemical allergies, especially in dogs which use non-organic shampoos or suffer a reaction to an anti-flea treatment. The best response is to rinse your dog reapeatedly, removing the irritating chemicals from its skin.

No one wants the animal they love to be miserable. Dog skin allergies should be treated by a veterinarian. If your dog is ravaged by skin allergies, get them to a vet ASAP.

How to Cure Annoying Dog Allergies

Despite the plethora of information available to the average person in today’s modern world, it is still a common misconception that there is no effective dog allergies treatment. The truth is that you can find a simple, affordable and all natural solution to the symptoms that plague you. If you long ago gave up the dream of owning a dog or of doing so in physical comfort, sacrifice no more! Imagine being able to bring home a pet dog for your family to enjoy without having to endure the itchiness, sneezing, couch and skin reactions.

For thousands of years, herbal treatments for ailments like dog allergies were trusted and effective treatments before the unflattering reputation they have suffered during modern times. Herbal cures may not be formulated in a laboratory, but they traditionally are much more gentle on the body than modern high tech prescription products. Plus, they don’t have all those aggravating side effects. Herbal remedies use the healing relationship between our bodies and the environment around us. Separating this relationship causes an imbalance in our emotional, physical and mental health that encourages allergies.

An unbalance can actually lead to the formation of allergies in the first place, not to mention exasperating existing conditions. Using a modern understanding of how herbs help to reinstate balance in our life is at the very heart of this ancient and exciting medicinal art.

Dogs are not a recent addition to the human familial unit. In fact, dogs were one of the first domesticated animals and have long been at our side. Because of this, dog allergies are no new condition and solutions are equally prevalent.

Owning and caring for a pet has been proven to provide a plethora of health benefits. Dogs are used with children, the elderly, the chronically sick and the terminally ill. A person with untreated dog allergies misses out on the powerful bond that dog owners have with their companions.

Dogs are smart, but they aren’t smart enough to know how to stop causing allergies. If you have the opportunity to experience an allergy free relationship with a dog, you won’t regret making that choice.

To get relief from dog allergies, you don’t have to visit allergy doctors or do anything else that takes up lots of your time. With herbology, you can find an all natural treatment for your dog allergy symptoms that is low impact on even the most sensitive systems. Plus, herbal solutions rarely have the severity of side effects that synthetic products bring.

Pet allergies may have seen incurable at one point in the past but the marriage of western and eastern medicines has made dog allergies treatment possible for ever sufferer. These simple, herbal cures for every symptom can make drastic improvements in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Routine Yeast Infections in Dogs

Yeast infection in dogs are just one of many things that a dog owner has to look for when it comes to the care for their pets. They have to ensure their dogs are eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise and other medical issues that may come to light. Yeast infections are just a regular part on a long list.

Unfortunately, yeast infections in dogs are a fairly common issue. Yeast goes on many different surfaces and in a dog as well. It is virtually impossible to avoid a dog being exposed to this small and seemingly harmless organism.

Yeast infections in dogs occur when there is an imbalance in the dog’s immune system. Because yeast is so common, a normal and healthy immune system is normally able to fight off the bacteria. When the immune system is compromised, it can grow within a dog’s body and set up an infection that is hard to control.

An imbalanced diet is said to be the cause of many yeast infections in dogs. Dogs shouldn’t routinely be subjected to foods that are made with grain and other foods that have been subjected to harsh chemicals and poisons. Their bodies can’t process these materials and their body’s don’t get the nourishment they need. When their immune system isn’t getting what it needs to stay strong, an infection will shortly set up.

Malasezza pachydermatis is a type of yeast that is commonly found on a dog’s skin and ears. It is normally a harmless yeast but if their immune system is compromised, it can cause a yeast infection in dogs. These yeast infections are usually marked by extreme itching, skin lesions and sometimes a musty odor. This type of yeast infection is normally found on the underside of their neck, under belly or between a dog’s toes.

One of the worst yeasts that have been found in a dog is the candida albicans yeast. This is the yeast that can routinely be found in the dog’s digestive tract. A healthy immune system can normally keep this yeast in manageable numbers but a weak immune system can’t stand up to their growing numbers. When the yeast reaches a certain amount, there is no stopping it. These yeast infections in dogs are responsible for a lot of toxins being produced in the body, bladder infections, allergies and skin disorders.

Pet owners are always looking for yeast infections in dogs. This is something that causes extreme discomfort in dogs and no pet owner wants to watch their dog suffer. When dog first shows signs of a yeast infection, pet owners make sure to take their beloved companion to their vet’s office for treatment.

After much research and concern, there is still no known cure for yeast infections in dogs. It is a natural phenomenon and it is almost impossible for dogs to avoid contact with. Many people feel that the best defense against a yeast infection is to feed their dog a diet that boosts their immune system. This will keep that system strong and able to fight the yeast.

Dog Hot Spots Gone Wild

With the many responsibilities a pet owner has, it can be overwhelming sometimes. They have to make sure their pet eats a healthy meal and gets the correct amount of exercise. They also have to keep an eye on their dog if they have a medical condition. They especially have to look out for dog hot spots.

Dog hot spots can also be called acute moist dermatitis or acral lick dermatitis. This is a painful condition that can sometimes be prevented. Other times, it takes a deeper look at the dog’s health to determine a cause. It happens commonly in dogs but when it does happen, it has to be treated fairly quickly.

Dog hot spots are often seen as hot, swollen patches of skin. They leak pus, are often very red and have a horrible smell. Sometimes they are only in one area and sometimes they are on multiple areas of the dog’s body. They appear often under the ear or on the dog’s lower body but can appear anywhere.

This is a painful condition for a dog to experience. Dog hot spots often cause a dog to chew, scratch or bite the area constantly to get relief. With the constant irritation, these spots can spread very quickly, sometimes in hours. Pet owners normally notice something is wrong when they see bald patches on the dog.

When a pet owner sees their dog has this condition, they should take them in for treatment immediately. Vets know that dog hot spots are very painful and normally administer anesthesia before treatment. For treatment, the vet begins with cutting away the hair in the area and washing it down with a diluted povidon-iodine shampoo or a chlorhexidine shampoo. Once the skin is dry, they put a dose of antibiotic steroid cream on the infected area. The process has to be repeated on all locations of the hot spots. When they are finished, vets are concerned about the dog’s further irritating the site so they often put their patients in a BiteNot collar.

After the visit to the vet, pet owners find themselves continuing the treatment for dog hot spots. They have to continue to apply an antibiotic steroid cream or powder for 10-14 days as well as give their beloved pet an antibiotic pill. There is also the possibility of having to give their dog a corticosteroid to help control the itching.

When a pet owner is faced with dog hot spots, they should know there are two different types. Some hot spots are superficial and others are deep hot spots. The difference isn’t immediately obvious to a dog owner and needs to be diagnosed by a vet. Both types of hot spots are treatable but it is important that a vet makes the determination as to which type it is.

The exact cause of dog hot spots can’t be determined. There are some cases that result from a skin trauma, noticed by an itch scratch itch cycle. There are other cases that come from dead, moist hair lying against the skin. There are other cases that have been brought on because of a sever deficiency in an essential fatty acid. No matter what the cause is, it is important that when a pet owner sees their animal is suffering from this, they take their pet in for treatment.

Find Out About Allergic Reactions in Canines

Are you aware that dogs may are afflicted by allergic reactions as much as people? That’s correct. Canine allergic reactions could be brought on through new seasons, pollen in the air, additional domestic pets, chemical substances and several additional elements. In addition, in the event that you’ve actually experienced a allergic reaction before, you may also be aware of how annoying and uncomfortable it may be. You’ve experienced it before, but how can know if your pet is actually struggling with the same ailment, and if so, what are the options for dog allergies treatment? We’ll clarify common symptoms and what you can do in the following paragraphs.

One of the clearest signs of a dog allergy is a reaction on your dog’s skin. As human allergies sometimes manifest in rashes, your dog may manifest his or her allergy in what’s known as dermatitis. You may see them scratching an area on their skin constantly, and this is because dermatitis makes the skin extremely itchy.

Canine allergic reactions could be due to numerous elements such as dirt, mildew, as well as pollen. Have you ever experienced running eyes throughout a new spring season? It’s due to the additional pollen from fresh blooms during this period and your dog could also be afflicted by these types of allergens. Pollen is actually a common trigger for allergies. If you see your dog sneezing, coughing or nauseated, it may be due to an allergy.

Furthermore, several dogs express their allergies in infections like attacks of candidiasis or perhaps a ear canal infection.

If you know that something is triggering your dog’s allergies, you may need to go the extra mile to find the source of the problem and eliminate this.

Try to reduce the amount of chemicals you use, like cleaning agents or perfumes for example. Also make it a point of duty to be observant when you use certain products, to see if that’s when they react the most. As a pet parent you will do all things necessary to ensure that your pet is happy and healthy.

Many times when people speak of dog allergies, they may think it may be the owner suffering from the allergen of pet dander. This is sometimes the case, but a dog can suffer from allergies too.

If you feel your dog is struggling with dog allergies, you need to consider a veterinarian checkup to get the best analysis and dog allergies treatment. For those who have observed the signs and symptoms prior to this case, there are lots of over-the-counter medicines which are obtainable in a pharmacy or even on the internet.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections in Dogs

Too few people understand or realize that dogs can, in fact, suffer from yeast infections. It may seem hard to believe but it is entirely true. yeast infection in dogs commonly occur but they can be avoided. Yeast is single cell organisms that live on living things. Yeast can be found on humans, animals, and plants.

When your dog is healthy and has a health immune system, it can easily destroy any yeast and can also keep the yeast under a certain level of control. Unfortunately, when your dog is sick or unhealthy, its immune system will be weakened and will not be able to keep the yeast under control.

If the dog is not able to control the levels of yeast, it will likely suffer from a yeast infection. Problems will occur with both the immune system and the nervous system. You do not want this for your animal because the yeast infection can be very annoying for your dog and can lead to other health and medical problems that can simply be avoided.

As a dog owner, you need to know what types of signs you should look for in a dog that has a yeast infection. In most cases, the yeast infection occurs on the skin and ears. You may notice your dog itching itself in those particular areas.

Besides being itchy, your dog may smell differently. Your dog will probably have a musky odor accompanied by sores on the body. Many of these sores will be located on the neck, feet, and the belly of your dog. You may even notice a considerable amount of hair loss from your pet.

The best way to avoid this type of infection is to prevent it all together. Of course, your dog’s diet definitely plays an important role. You should be feeding your dog plenty of meat. Such meat includes chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey, and lamb. If at all possible, you should be feeding your dog raw meat as this is particularly ideal.

Meat is definitely an important part of your dog’s diet. However, you should cut the vegetables out of your dog’s diet. Vegetables are not necessary and actually, dogs simply do not produce a lot of celulase which just makes it harder for them to digest these veggies.

Taking care of your dog should definitely be one of the most important things to you. While yeast infections in dogs are more common than people think, they are also annoying and frustrating for your dog. Your best bet is to change your dog’s diet to make sure the yeast infection can be prevented and avoided by all means necessary.

Dog Hot Spots: What You Should Know

We all know how important our pets our to us, and dogs especially, so it’s good that you know what to look out for in terms of skin irritation for them, and some things that they run into occasionally are areas called dog hot spots, which will be described in detail in the summary below.

So what hot spots are, are places on a dog that have become infected after a dog has bitten, chewed on, or compulsively licked an area of its skin. This initially rashy area can rapidly spread to other parts of the dogs skin, and then secondary infections start, and then pus gets caught in the dog’s hair, which continues to worsen the situation.

As far as what caused the initial irritation, there are several possibilities. It could have been an environmental or physical skin condition, or it could be something like parasites, bacteria, fungi, or potentially a virus. All of these things can cause a dog to itch initially, and from there it can all go down hill quickly, as when a dog wants to itch, it itches!

Allergies also irritate a dog’s skin to the point where it will bite and scratch at those areas. Yes, just like humans, dog have allergies as well, and one study suggests that has many as one in seven dogs have the condition severely enough to impact its life quite negatively. Food allergies are often a culprit as well, depending on what kind of diet you are feeding your dog.

Fleas and ticks can also give your dogs skin the first set of irritation that it requires to start chewing at its skin. Those tiny but pesky critters can hop on your dog from other animals, from being out in nature, or being in living spaces that have them there already, so be aware at all times.

If your dog is shedding a lot or has any other type of excessive hair loss, that also may be an indication of an underlying problem that should get checked out right away, as hot spots may accompany those symptoms as well, and any deviation from normal health conditions should be a cause for concern.

If you need to treat your dog, there are several options depending on the original cause. There are shampoos and creams that will clean and reduce the swelling in certain areas, and there are antibiotics for the dog to take to help clear out any potential infection that is going occurring on the surface of the skin.

So now that you’re a little bit more aware of what hot spots are, if this is something that you imagine your dog or a friend’s dog has, you will know a few of the signs and causes, and can get the appropriate medicine to make sure you dog is healthy and happy.

Dog Skin Problems: Be Aware of Them

Our pets are very important to us, so it’s good

to know if anything is wrong with them, and one of the common issues we can have with a dog of ours are <a

href=””>dog skin problems. These conditions range from mild irritation to serious,

so it’s definitely helpful to have some basic information about them.

They come from various

different causes, can be either contagious or non-contagious, and may be signs of other things going wrong.

Some issues are things like environmental or physical skin diseases, and can include things like hot spots or

ulcers caused by compulsive licking. Infectious diseases include things like parasites, bacteria, fungi, and

viruses, just to name a few.


you aren’t aware, dogs have allergies just like humans, and it is one of the primary reasons that skin problems

can pop up, as they tend to scratch at effected areas and that only makes the situation worse. There are also

allergies causes by things like the wrong type of food or pollution in the air.

Hot spots are areas on a dog that have become inflamed and infected from skin irritation, and then the dog has

made it worse by licking and biting. The rashy area can spread quickly as secondary infections cause the top

layer of skin to break down, and soon after pus will become trapped in the surrounding hair, furthering the


Fleas and ticks are often causes of skin problems as well, and once again, when dogs start biting and

scratching, infection and red spots are soon to follow. Dogs can get these little critters both from home

environments and while walking around, especially in wooded or forest areas, so be aware that these are some

types of places that your dog can come in contact with them.

If you see that your dog is shedding or has particularly bad hair loss

in any area, that may be an indication of an underlying skin problem. If your dog is scratching, there may be

something under the surface that is bother him more than typical, so you should make sure that you take a close

look at it as soon as you can.

Treatments are all over the

place, from creams and lotions, to antibiotics, to shampoos, powders, and medicine that you can put in the

dog’s food. Make sure that you are treating the correct thing, however, and that your diagnosis is correct.

So if you think that your dog may be suffering from any sort of skin problem, do a little quick research on

the internet and see what could be the cause, then take all of the necessary steps to ensure that your favorite

best friend stays safe and healthy.

Dog Allergies Treatments: Things You Should Know About

If your dog is suffering, there are several dog allergies treatments available for you, but it is definitely important that you make sure that it is just allergies and not something more serious, as there are many skin conditions that appear to be just that but are in fact something different.

But remember, just like humans, dogs do have allergies and suffer the same ways we do. There have been some recent studies actually, that have suggested that as many as one in seven dogs has severe enough allergies to impact its life significantly, so it’s not something to sneeze at, no pun intended!

If you think that all skin irritation is somehow related to allergies, however, you may be wrong in that assumption, as there are also things like environmental and physical conditions like hotspots or ulcers caused by compulsive licking, and other conditions caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi.

It’s important to note hot spots, actually, because allergies in dogs may be the first thing to cause them to itch, and then that spot become infected, and pus gets trapped in the dogs fur, which makes the infection spread further, making your dog continue to be more and more uncomfortable.

If your dog somehow is infested with fleas or ticks, this can also be a problem that might look like an allergy but in fact may not be. You dog can pick up the tiny bugs anywhere from out on a walk in the woods, to visiting a new household where there is already an animal with fleas there, so always be aware of your environment.

If your dog is losing a lot of hair or shedding excessively, that could be a sign of something wrong or a sign of an allergy as well. Look for any spots that might look like hives or hot spots, and you can shave around the area if you need to get a better look. Don’t let your dog hurt itself because it doesn’t know any better.

Treatment for dog skin conditions comes in many forms, and specifically for allergies you can do things like give it a really thorogh shampoo, or give it a little bit of allergy medicine or veterinarian approved pain pill in its food.

So if you believe that your dog may be suffering from allergies, and you are looking for a dog allergies treatment, simply do a quick search on the internet, and then call your local vet to make sure that the symptoms that you see are the ones that are right for the medicine that you feel is appropriate.

Applying Treatment for Dog Hot Spots

Among the most uncomfortable things that could happen to your dog is for them to have dog hot spots. When that happens, there may be a lot of reasons and among them is that they have been unfortunately infested with parasites. The most common of these parasites are fleas. Some dogs may also have dog hot spots due to psychological reasons.

But one thing you should know, hot spots are actually aggravated by the fact that dogs continue to gnaw and lick the particular area. What happens is that swelling and wounds eventually open on the skin along with inflammation. These lesions would be so because it was a very uncomfortable feeling that would prompt dogs to relieve themselves off of them.

When you see your pet suffering from dog hot spots, the best recourse would be to bring them to the vet. There they would be examined and prescribed with the right treatment. However, it would also be good to know what you can do on your own if you can’t do that just yet.

First, you need to have the areas specifically identified so that you can shave the hair off the area surrounding it. That would make it easier for you to treat the lesions and make sure that the hair itself doesn’t contribute to further infections.

Soon as all those hair has been shaved off, you can now get your hands clean and treat eh dog hot spots. It would be best to use cool water when cleaning the wounds so that it would feel soothing enough for your pet. In addition to this, find some gentle cleanser that would help you disinfect the area instead of using alcohol since that stings.

After the cleansing has been done, it would be necessary to apply a cold compress over the wounds so that it would speed up the healing process. This would also help prevent the itching from resuming and pestering your dog.

The reason why you should take your vet to the dog even after all of this is that they might need to prescribe some medications to speed up the healing process. Among the common medicines that would be prescribed are antibiotics and in facilitating them, you need to closely follow the frequency, dosage, and medication period.

Antibiotics would be prescribed for the dog hot spots so that the bacteria and infection would be treated accordingly. In addition to this, the vet may also prescribe that some topical cream be applied on the dog hot spots to help heal the wounds and prevent any more itching.

Jennifer is a family pet health consultant who specializes in treatment for dogs’ itchy skin.

Treating Dog Skin Problems

There are different types of dog skin problems that you would likely encounter. As a pet owner, you need to make sure that you are readily aware of what they are so that you would know how to treat them. It is also important to be aware of what their symptoms are like.

Among the most common of these dog skin problems are allergies. There are many known causes for these but the most commonly experienced is canine atopy. This happens through different allergens like dust mites and pollen. When your dog inhales it, these substances can trigger the allergic reaction.

There are also dog skin problems which are caused by diseases in the autoimmune system. In here, it may be necessary to administer immunotherapy wherein shots are done on a regular basis to improve the immune system of your dog.

The weather can also bring in some dog skin problems and among the most common experienced during summer time are hot spots. They are a kind of skin dermatitis that appears are red patches and they can be aggravated much further as the dog licks on them. Through corticosteroids, they can be readily treated.

Speaking of licking, there’s also lick granuloma that is part of the known dog skin problems. In here, the incessant licking that the dog does causes the infection. It is qualified through the ulcerated areas that are typically found on the ankle or the wrist of the dog.

You should also be wary of the infectious dog skin problems that your pet might have. Among them are canine scabies and are known to be parasitically contagious. They exhibit themselves as mange on the skin wherein hair loss makes the ongoing skin irritation totally visible on the dog’s coat.

In addition to this, dog fleas are also quite a common problem encountered. The flea bites become irritating because of the saliva that gets left behind and this becomes too itchy for the dog to bear.

If you suspect your dog to be suffering from any dog skin problems, it would be best to have them seen by a vet immediately. This way, you can prevent their case from worsening and you can provide them with the right medication that can help alleviate their discomfort entirely. The vet can also conduct tests to determine why they have dog skin problems in the first place.

What to Do With Dog Skin Allergies

There are different causes for dog skin allergies. Just the same, there are also different ways in which they could manifest. The only positive note on this fact is that it is pretty easy to spot when your pet is suffering from skin allergies and so you can easily find a way to help them out.

The most usual type are those caused by insects that bite. The most popular of course are fleas which reside right on the dog’s coat. Flea bites can cause allergies not because of the actual bite itself but it is the saliva of the fleas that cause the irritation.

Aside from this, dogs can also have canine atopy. Atopy is the type of allergy wherein inhalants can be the trigger. Among the most common causes of atopy are pollen, dust mites, and other particles that can get mixed with the air your pets breathe.

Of course, there are also those who experience allergic reactions with certain food types. In here, it would be important to get your pets into some allergy test to be able to identify what specific food types should be avoided.

There are also different ways in which these dog skin allergies would manifest themselves. The most obvious is frequent scratching especially right on the ears of the dog and the hind legs. If you observe that your dog seem to be scratching too much and gnawing on their body parts, better check those areas for any wounds or current infestations.

Eventually, the dogs would have red patches obvious on their skin. When you give them bath, those red spots may be relieved and soothed especially if you use a soap or shampoo with special formulation. At this point, make sure that you are also using mild formulation for your dog because their condition is already sensitive.

Skin infections, if left untreated, can eventually become dermatitis. These cases are often caused by flea infestations that have been untreated. This can be very uncomfortable and can lead to further infection if the dogs are simply allowed to scratch and lick them.

When your dog is suspected to have dog skin allergies, you need to make it a point to bring them to the vet. This would be the best way for their condition to be further assessed so that the right solution and prescriptions would be given to your dog.

Knowing the Facts of Dog Allergies Treatment

Dog allergies are caused by many different factors. In addition to this, dogs also exhibit their allergies in different ways. The dog allergies treatment that can also be used for dogs vary. Some are made for treating the symptoms while others target the actual cause of the allergies themselves.

Relieving the symptoms of allergy is a dog allergies treatment that we can easily apply. If we don’t have time yet nor the opportunity to bring them to the vet, this is the least we can do for them. Among the most common treatments is to give the dog a regular bath and make sure cool water is used if allergy is suspected to have erupted on the dog’s skin.

When giving a bath to your dog, it is also important to take note of the shampoo and soap you use on them. It would be best to stick with products that actually have a tinge of aloe vera as well as eucalyptus in them because these are natural products that can give some soothing relief to the itching.

Aside from focusing on your pet, you can also initiate dog allergies treatment by inspecting the places where your dog often stays. It would be best to sterilize the area but just make sure that you do not use chemicals that might be too harsh when it comes in contact with your pet.

Aside from these immediate reliefs, you should also make it a point to visit your vet if the itching persists. This is still the best dog allergies treatment that you can give your pet. The vet would also be able to prescribe the right medicines, if needed, and also pinpoint the real cause of the allergy.

Your vet can prescribe different types of medications for your dog aside from antihistamines. Corcosteroids may also be given as well as steroids. But because these medicines can be very strong, you need to properly observe the period in which they should be given and how often. You should also take note of the proper dosage.

In addition to this, and depending on how major your dog’s condition is, immunotherapy might also be prescribed. In here, regular shots would be administered to your dog in the hopes of altering some chemical imbalance and providing his immune system with the needed help to fight off the triggering of allergies.

There really are different kinds of dog allergies treatment that can be given to your pet. Perhaps the simplest of these would be prevention. You can easily do prevention by knowing the causes of your dog’s allergy and creating a home environment that would be healthy for them.

Dealing with Dog Hot Spots

Among the painful skin problems your pet can have are dog hot spots. They are different from allergies because they often come with a pus and smell horribly. These hot spots tends to progress easily because they get terribly irritated when your dog licks on them to try to soothe themselves from both the pain and itch.

Yes, dog hot spots do not just come in ones or two’s. They can appear on more than one area and the result can really be very hard for your pet dog. They can be found beneath the ears’ flaps and they are also common among large breeds who exhibit thick furs.

There are different reasons as to why these dog hot spots tend to appear. For one, they are commonly seen among dogs that belong to large and hairy breeds. The hot spots appear on areas with too much moisture that gets to mix with humidity. Improper hygiene can also lead to the development of these spots.

Because of the pain it causes and the quick way it can erupt, hot spots needed special medical attention immediately. Dogs are often sedated prior to treatment so that medication could be facilitated much better. The surrounding hair around the area would be clipped off by the veterinarian so that the hot spots would become more visible and easier to treat.

After this, the hair surrounding the area would already be clipped off. Then the cleansing would begin with the application of shampoo on the affected skin. Afterwards, the area would be completely dried off first before the vet would apply the antibiotics in either powder or cream form. This procedure would be repeated within two weeks’ time.

On top of this topical medication, the vet might also ask you to have other types of medications done as well such as oral meds. These would only be done for a short period of time just enough to help your dog feel less itching as the hot spots start to heal. An Elizabethan collar would also be prescribed to protect the area.

Though it can be painful to have, dog hot spots can be avoided. The easiest way to do so is to make sure that your dog gets dried up completely after having a bath or taking a leisurely swim to cool off. Trapped moisture can be the early beginnings of a hot spot.

In addition to this, you should also consider getting some cleanup done inside your home. Take special care of the places where you dog frequently stays. Make sure that you vacuum it and keep it spic and span. Do your best to prevent any part of the home from becoming a breeding ground for mites and fleas which are also known to cause these unwanted dog hot spots.

Finding the Right Dog Allergies Treatment

Dog allergies treatment comes in different variations. With this in mind, you should never try to self-medicate your dogs without considering the expert opinion of his veterinarian. Like humans, dogs can also react negatively to allergens which is why it is important to keep yourself informed about possible dog allergies.

The first most important way to determine if your dog has a skin allergy is to check out their skin. You would most likely notice that they are scratching more vigorously and more often than they used to. If you already spot scabs and notice some red spots on the skin of your dog, it would be a sign that they have allergy. They may also have runny eyes and constantly sneeze.

Soon as you see these signs, it would be best to take your dog to the vet immediately. He will be the best person to prescribe the right dog allergies treatment because he will conduct tests to determine the cause of the allergy. You shouldn’t attempt to medicate without a prescription.

Among the most common prescriptions would include medicated soaps and shampoos for your dog. These often contain oatmeal and pramoxine which help ease the symptoms that cause dogs to feel extremely itchy. You shouldn’t worry about its formulation too because these products are enriched with moisturizers that wouldn’t cause drying and add up to the problem.

Your home should also be changed into a safe haven for your dogs to stay in. Start by inspecting your air vents and make sure there are filters there. You should also check on the current condition of those filters and change then into new ones to keep the air circulation clean inside your home.

Aside from these simple remedies, there are also specific dog allergies treatment that come in the form of oral meds or something else. The most common are antihistamines as well as steroids. However, you need to strictly follow prescription when using these if you don’t want your dog to experience negative side effects.

There are also medicines known as immune modulators. What these do is help prevent the immune system from becoming overly triggered by allergens. This is what often causes the surfacing of allergic symptoms such as sneezing and having running eyes because the dog’s body prepares from an imminent that doesn’t happen as awfully as it predicted.

Finally, your veterinarian can also prescribe dome medications or food that are actually rich with omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient is important to help decrease of allergic reactions because the immune system is kept at bay. The medication could take up to two and a half months to fully integrate into your pet’s system.

Preventing Dog Skin Allergies

Dog skin allergies exist in many different types. When treating your dog, it is best to identify first how the allergy came to be before you try self-medicating them. Allergies are caused by allergens which can come in different forms and types. You might even discover that a little more cleanliness in the home might be all it takes to fix allergy problems with your pet.

Allergies are pretty easy to note so you should always observe if your dog is already showing any signs of it. Aside from preventing the situation from becoming worse, you can also prevent any possible allergens to be passed on to you when you handle your dog. Dogs who scratch way too much and too often might already be showing allergic symptoms.

Food allergies are common among dogs. Also, it does not choose any age to strike. When your dog has a food allergy, it can be manifested through vomiting as well as having diarrhea apart from the usual itching reaction. Through tests, a food allergy can be ruled out by the vet.

Another known dog allergy is caused by fleas. Fleas can easily multiply because a female flea is able to lay 600 eggs at once. It’s not the flea itself that causes the allergy but it’s their bite that does. The saliva can cause irritation once it reaches the skin in every bite. A flea infestation can also pass on to humans so you need to counter this urgently.

Atopy is also another name for allergens that get inhaled and cause problems for your dog. It’s pretty challenging to find out the source so you might as well start from elimination. You need to observe what is it inside your home or outside which may have started the allergic reaction. Usual allergens that cause atopy is smoke, dust and mites, chemicals, rubber, and even plastic.

Dog skin allergies are treated in different ways. Perhaps the most common is that which involves the use of antihistamines and steroids. But once you start using these for your dog, you need to follow the prescriptions as strictly as possible so you can ensure that things will work out fine.

Also, it is important to start helping your dog build a stronger immune system. You should revisit the kind of food that you feed them. Make sure that it is filled with omega fatty acids because this helps strengthen the immune system as well as provide relief for itching. In addition to this, necessary supplements may also be prescribed.

Finally, make sure that you clean your home regularly. Keep in mind that these allergies might not just end up affecting your dogs but can also end up affecting your health as well.

Where Do Dog Skin Problems Come From?

Different kinds of dog skin problems may possibly arise to affect your dog. So as a responsible pet owner, you need to consider knowing what these are. Your dog can end up feeling extremely miserable if they would not find immediate relief. It can also be harmful to your own health if you don’t take care of it immediately.

As pets, they would have the liberty to go out and play. When you walk them they would automatically sniff on the ground or lay down from time to time. It’s often outside that dogs get to be exposed with possible causes of skin problems so the best way you can protect them is if you help boost their immune system.

Among the usual suspects for dog skin problems is fungal infection. Your dog can become terribly affected by this that he would end up having the popular ringworms. Most people consider this an actual work when in fact it is simply a fungi shaped like worm. This can get very itchy and cause other problems if left untreated.

Contrary to fungal dog skin problems, bacterial skin problems are often infections. This means that your dog may have physical wounds that did not heal completely or even get sanitized. These wounds can start out as small scratches which they can typically get unconsciously or by naturally gnawing or chewing on their coat.

Because these things happen and might end up easily unnoticed, it is best to regularly check your dog’s coat and skin. If you can’t do it yourself because you end up being too busy, you should schedule your dog for grooming at least once a week or have a regular checkup done at the vet.

Allergies are also something to consider because it happens among dogs too. There are different reasons why it is triggered but among those are food, allergens present in the air, and parasites like fleas.

Allergies can be quite a nuisance because it is sometimes too general and encompassing to detect. But on the flip side, physical symptoms would easily alert you if your dog is already suffering from it. If your dog starts to persistently scratch, sneeze, or have gastrointestinal problems then it’s time to visit the vet.

Finally, dog skin problems may also be caused by hereditary or hormonal causes. If their parents have it, then there’s a big risk of passing the said skin problem onto them. In addition to this, hypothyroidism as well as Cushing’s diseases, or excessive cortisol production, can also put dog’s at risk for a lower immune system.