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Where Do Dog Skin Problems Come From?

December 9, 2011

Different kinds of dog skin problems may possibly arise to affect your dog. So as a responsible pet owner, you need to consider knowing what these are. Your dog can end up feeling extremely miserable if they would not find immediate relief. It can also be harmful to your own health if you don’t take care of it immediately.

As pets, they would have the liberty to go out and play. When you walk them they would automatically sniff on the ground or lay down from time to time. It’s often outside that dogs get to be exposed with possible causes of skin problems so the best way you can protect them is if you help boost their immune system.

Among the usual suspects for dog skin problems is fungal infection. Your dog can become terribly affected by this that he would end up having the popular ringworms. Most people consider this an actual work when in fact it is simply a fungi shaped like worm. This can get very itchy and cause other problems if left untreated.

Contrary to fungal dog skin problems, bacterial skin problems are often infections. This means that your dog may have physical wounds that did not heal completely or even get sanitized. These wounds can start out as small scratches which they can typically get unconsciously or by naturally gnawing or chewing on their coat.

Because these things happen and might end up easily unnoticed, it is best to regularly check your dog’s coat and skin. If you can’t do it yourself because you end up being too busy, you should schedule your dog for grooming at least once a week or have a regular checkup done at the vet.

Allergies are also something to consider because it happens among dogs too. There are different reasons why it is triggered but among those are food, allergens present in the air, and parasites like fleas.

Allergies can be quite a nuisance because it is sometimes too general and encompassing to detect. But on the flip side, physical symptoms would easily alert you if your dog is already suffering from it. If your dog starts to persistently scratch, sneeze, or have gastrointestinal problems then it’s time to visit the vet.

Finally, dog skin problems may also be caused by hereditary or hormonal causes. If their parents have it, then there’s a big risk of passing the said skin problem onto them. In addition to this, hypothyroidism as well as Cushing’s diseases, or excessive cortisol production, can also put dog’s at risk for a lower immune system.

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